
History of Local 332 and the Asheville Fire Department

Asheville Fire Fighters Association IAFF Local 332 was initially chartered in 1932 as the representing group for Asheville Fire Fighters.  The original Association disbanded not long after they were chartered, and were rechartered in 1946 as IAFF Local 865.  The Association returned to it’s original affiliate number as Local 332 in the summer of 2015 as a memorial to our history and to the original members who showed the courage to organize.

  • Our membership is closing in on 300 total members. Asheville Fire Fighters, ranging from on-line personnel, to Chief officers, and those in the Fire Marshal’s office. 
  • Local 332 has a long history of fighting for the rights and betterment of our members, strong political action, and charitable work throughout our community.
  • We are a proud Association, and we will strive to continue to improve in our endeavors to assist the members of Asheville Fire Department and our community as a whole!

Mission statement:

Our priority is to improve the standard of living for our members, families, and the community we serve. To achieve our goal, we will fight to ensure that our members are treated fairly and equally focusing on safety, pay, and benefits.